Information about exhibition

The Perm fair
Адрес : Perm, Gagarin's Parkway, 65

VK "the Perm fair" - 2 specialized exhibition halls the total area 6800 sq. m, and also more 3000 sq. m of the open exhibition area. To carrying out of separate actions are applied bystrovozvodimye exhibition halls by the area 4000 sq. m and 1000 sq. m

Infrastructure VK includes: Restaurant of the European cuisine "BigBen", cafe "Expo", summer cafe in the park zone, unique in the city omletnuju "Omletti" 2 conference halls, trunk-call room Clothes Autoparking

In immediate proximity from "the Perm fair" the large business center which soon will be placed in operation is constructed, building of hotel is conducted. Building of the multilevel autoparking is planned also.

VK it is located in 5 minutes of driving from city center. Nearby there are tram, trolleybus and bus stops.

The Exhibition center "Perm fair" – unique, unique in Urals Mountains, modern expocenter which includes two specialized pavilions the total area about 10000 m and # 178;. Exhibition halls are connected by the building in which elements of the infrastructure settle down: cafe, restaurant, the clothes, service service. All it allows to render exhibition services at high level. Near to pavilions the open exposition platform, parking place and the park zone is located.
Public transport:
To ost. "The Perm fair" - the bus №№ 13Т, 4Т; the trolley bus №№ 8, 11; tramv. №№ 1, 7, 8.
To ost. "Makarenko" - the bus №№ 13Т, 4Т, 12Т, 30Т; the trolley bus №№ 8, 11; tramv. №№ 1, 7, 8.

All the coming and going in the exhibition The Perm fair

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