Information about exhibition

Penza, Penza regional TPP, the recreation center of the 40 anniversary of October
Адрес : Penza, street of Kirov, 57

«TPP - unique public structure. It represents interests of all layers of business and covers the activity all spheres of business» E.M.Primakov

The World institute of commercial and industrial chambers exists more than four centuries. For this time has been turned out huge experience on all fields of activity TPP which we are ready to share with each representative of business. So, get acquainted – the Penza commercial and industrial chamber.

The Penza regional commercial and industrial chamber (PTPP) is founded on September, 16th, 1993 at the initiative of business circles of area and 20 enterprises-founders. In the work Penza TPP is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law «About commercial and industrial chambers in the Russian Federation», Charter PTPP, and also other statutory acts of the Russian Federation.

So, get acquainted – the Penza commercial and industrial chamber. The Penza regional commercial and industrial chamber (PTPP) is founded on September, 16th, 1993 at the initiative of business circles of area and 20 enterprises-founders. In the work Penza TPP is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law «About commercial and industrial chambers in the Russian Federation», Charter PTPP, and also other statutory acts of the Russian Federation Penza TSNTI has one of the largest in Volga region region expocenter. The exhibition area: Has 3 500 sq. m the closed and 1 500 sq. m of open exhibition areas, halls for holding conferences, the seminars, the special equipment, modern communication media.


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