Information about exhibition

Moscow, ekspostroj on Nahimovsky, VK
Адрес : Moscow, the Nahimovsky prospectus, 24
The expocenter «ekspostroj on Nahimovsky» in 2007 celebrates 10-year-old anniversary from the date of the basis. Today the complex is one of the leading specialized exhibition centers of Moscow where more than 1000 firms and the companies offer modern design and architectural decisions, the goods and services for building, repair and arrangement of the house. For years of the existence the Expocentre «ekspostroj on Nahimovsky» consistently was improved and developed, confidently strengthened the positions and now takes the leading place in the building market of Moscow, is a success among architects and designers. The expocenter «ekspostroj on Nahimovsky» to the 10 anniversary from the date of the basis has entered into operation new exhibition areas in pavilion №1. Today the total area of the complex makes about 50000 sq. meters.
Underground "Trade-union", trolley bus 49, 52, 85, the bus 44, 57, 168 stop "street Tsjurupy".
The underground "Nahimovsky prospectus", trolley bus 52, stop "Weaving mill".
The complex works without days off from 10:00 till, on Sunday from 10:00 till.

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