Make a request for catalogs of participants

Order catalogs of exhibition participants (Absent tour)
The service allows you to get comprehensive information about the exhibition and its participants, without going outside your company.
It is particularly relevant if you for some reason can not (or do not want) to go personally to the exhibition.
How does it work?
At your request, our specialists will gather for you a full set of documents (brochures, catalogs, cd, price-lists) for each exhibitor, as well as become its official catalog. In addition, each will present your business card or other promotional information. All materials of the exhibition is sent to your office immediately after its completion.

Advantages of the service:
  • The financial benefits - personal presence at a cost equivalent to the exhibition absentia Sites 5 international exhibitions.
  • Save time and nerves.
  • ability to obtain current information about their industry, even if you do not have chance to visit it in person (time lapse, denial of visa, the parallel passage of interest you show in different cities around the world, etc.).

    Provisional application for absentee tour